Thursday, July 9, 2009

Diet and Optimal Health, El Fin!

The universal dietary answers:

There is only one proven dietary principle that will help you to live longer: eat less.

Okay, now that we've gotten that horrible truth out of the way, let's talk about the things most of us can actually do.

  • Modify your consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

These two are major contributors to ill health in countless ways. There is no evidence suggesting that consuming these two non-foods will do anything but damage your health and well-being.

  • Avoid refined sugar. It has ZERO positive nutritional characteristics and is associated with countless health difficulties.

If you are finding #1 to be extremely difficult, I'd like to suggest trying Sidda Blood Sugar. Sidda Blood Sugar helps resolve and release the stress and tension that leads to sugar cravings and blood sugar fluctuations.

  • Avoid food-additives that took you more than a moment to figure out how to pronounce such as acesulfame K.

If our ancestors hadn't been able to maintain health without artificial additives, we would not be here today. Newer is not better in the world of nutrition.

  • Avoid super-heated fats.

I haven't yet come across any dietary advice that suggests eating fried foods is a good idea.

    • Eat more green foods (the ones that grew that way, not the ones artificially colored that way)

    I have yet to come across dietary advice that suggests that green vegetables, especially the leafy ones, are anything but good.

    • The best general rule I can give you is that fresher, more lightly cooked, grown locally in season, closer to the land food is better than day-old, week-old, frozen, microwaved, shipped from far away, chemically grown food products. We are not built to eat food products. We are built to eat food. If your grandparents would not recognize all of the ingredients when they were kids, you probably shouldn't eat it.

    • Put another way, if you went to the zoo with what you are eating, would you consider feeding it to a chimp? If the answer is no, the chimp would get sick. You probably shouldn't be eating it either.

    To some of you out there in web-land this may sound harsh, austere and impossible.
    But notice, I haven't said a word about any of the foods that diets normally debate over:
    meat, fowl, eggs, dairy, fish, bread, pasta, rice, fruits.

    And there is a serious amount of debate on all of the above. Every side has their evidence and their data and their research.

    My advice is to just avoid the worst culprits and eat more green things.
    It will take a bit of time and attention to figure out what works for you, but it should become clear what doesn't work pretty quickly.

    If you have even a small social calendar there is a strong likelihood that you will be "tempted" and you will "cheat." My advice is don't even think in the terms "tempted" and "cheat." The concepts of "being tempted" and "cheating" are emotionally-charged and drive the accumulation of stress.
    Take Sidda Digest to relax and release the abdominal stress that impairs digestion. And eat whatever it is you are going to eat with gusto and joie de vivre to make sure that whatever you eat, your body digests it to the best of its ability.

    Be well,

    Siddatech R&D

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