When we say to people that the Siddatech remedies are all essentially stress remedies, we often get, “Oh. I don’t really feel stressed about anything. I guess I don’t need any of that.” While it’s great that a person can say this and mean it, we appreciate the opportunity to explain Siddatech remedies further. Just because a person’s conscious mind is not currently acting like a rabid monkey doesn’t mean they don’t have stress, it means that they’re not feeling particularly “stressed-out” at the moment.
Hidden stress (subconscious stress, unconscious stress, environmental stress, etc.) is actually the general kind of stress that Siddatech deals with best. Most people view the landscape of their mind and see a few major chunks of unresolved debris. Those chunks are the big worries that occupy most of our attention (money, health, relationship) and rightfully so. The Siddatech remedies are easy ways of cleaning up the bits and pieces of stress that litter the landscape and generally make our head-space less comfortable without being obvious problems.
For example, if a meteorite crashes into your home, it will be very clear to you that the giant stone needs to be removed and the hole in the roof needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Our nervous systems are wired to notice big shifts in the environment. It can often be less clear to a person that has been living underneath major powerlines that a constant, low-level stress is being put upon them.
Modern life has countless ways of slowly chipping away at our balance, happiness and well-being. If a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump right out. If it is placed in room temperature water that is slowly heated, it will not notice the gradual increase and will allow itself to cook. We are in much the same situation. It isn’t necessarily a few big problems that are going to cook us. It’s the build-up of countless little bits of stress that pile up without us being aware of it. Siddatech flower essences help to turn the tide and wipe out the stress before it wipes us out.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Pharmaceuticals as a Stress Remedy?
Western (allopathic) medicine does not acknowledge what we think of as stress and does not have a stress remedy. Western medicine provides a number of psychoactive substances some of which are used as anxiolytics, anti-depressives, anti-psychotics and more. This is an acknowledgement of states of anxiety, depression and other psychological difficulties. Stress however is not considered a medical condition and thus we do not have a pharmaceutical stress remedy.
From a holistic perspective the fixation on the superficial level alone is inadequate. Most of us agree that anxiety and depression are the surface level manifestations of something deeper. For thousands of years eastern and holistic medicine have treated the underlying issues, i.e. the underlying stress. Unresolved psychological, emotional, and other stimuli aggregate along the pathways of the nerves in such a way that the functioning of the nervous system gets impaired in terms of mood, feelings of well-being, and what lots of people would call their energy levels.
There is no pharmaceutical that can improve one’s energy level in a healthy way. There are pharmaceutical stimulants such as amphetamines, but these stimulants are short lived, short acting and have adverse short and long-term effects and can quickly drain the resources of the body. A good stress remedy works to resolve the underlying issues of the primary obstructions that are leading to states of anxiety and depression.
For example, a common complaint associated with depression is that people feel as though they have no energy. In many cases this is a false perception. It is not that a person in this condition lacks energy. They simply have not organized their energy well. Their energy is subconsciously or unconsciously sapped by maintaining old distortions of the electromagnetic fields surrounding the nerves. Because of this there is less overt energy to engage in whatever activities they are interested in - thus the depression. The answer to depression from the Western perspective is to give people an anti-depressant so that they can not feel their stress. In this scenario people actually lose awareness and have even less consciousness of the underlying obstructions. Another option for some is to self-medicate with everything from amphetamines to cocaine and other drugs, or even coffee and nicotine, all of which are stimulants. At best, this category of stress remedy produces superficial, short-term results.
There are a lot of ways in which people attempt to address the symptomatology without addressing the underlying issues. The most frequently used class of pharmaceutical stress remedy for anxiety and depression are the SSRIs - selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors - including Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Welbutrin etc. As serotonin moves from one nerve to the next, typically the nerve that released the serotonin will reabsorb it. These drugs prevent the resorption of serotonin after it is moved into the synaptic cleft between two nerve cells. In other words SSRIs trick one’s brain into thinking there is more serotonin in their body than there actually is. These substances are great if they need to be used on a short-term basis to get people through crisis situations. But if the underlying situations are not addressed, coming off of these substances can be challenging. And not only does one still have the underlying discrepancies, blockages, distortions, stresses and tensions that they had before but now they have the additional ones that accumulated because their consciousness was not been allowed to engage any of what's been going on during the course of the pharmaceutical consumption. In the short term it can be necessary and critical but these drugs were simply not designed to be effective long-term stress remedies. And in many cases not only are these drugs ineffective but they can create a number of long-term difficulties.
From a holistic perspective the fixation on the superficial level alone is inadequate. Most of us agree that anxiety and depression are the surface level manifestations of something deeper. For thousands of years eastern and holistic medicine have treated the underlying issues, i.e. the underlying stress. Unresolved psychological, emotional, and other stimuli aggregate along the pathways of the nerves in such a way that the functioning of the nervous system gets impaired in terms of mood, feelings of well-being, and what lots of people would call their energy levels.
There is no pharmaceutical that can improve one’s energy level in a healthy way. There are pharmaceutical stimulants such as amphetamines, but these stimulants are short lived, short acting and have adverse short and long-term effects and can quickly drain the resources of the body. A good stress remedy works to resolve the underlying issues of the primary obstructions that are leading to states of anxiety and depression.
For example, a common complaint associated with depression is that people feel as though they have no energy. In many cases this is a false perception. It is not that a person in this condition lacks energy. They simply have not organized their energy well. Their energy is subconsciously or unconsciously sapped by maintaining old distortions of the electromagnetic fields surrounding the nerves. Because of this there is less overt energy to engage in whatever activities they are interested in - thus the depression. The answer to depression from the Western perspective is to give people an anti-depressant so that they can not feel their stress. In this scenario people actually lose awareness and have even less consciousness of the underlying obstructions. Another option for some is to self-medicate with everything from amphetamines to cocaine and other drugs, or even coffee and nicotine, all of which are stimulants. At best, this category of stress remedy produces superficial, short-term results.
There are a lot of ways in which people attempt to address the symptomatology without addressing the underlying issues. The most frequently used class of pharmaceutical stress remedy for anxiety and depression are the SSRIs - selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors - including Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Welbutrin etc. As serotonin moves from one nerve to the next, typically the nerve that released the serotonin will reabsorb it. These drugs prevent the resorption of serotonin after it is moved into the synaptic cleft between two nerve cells. In other words SSRIs trick one’s brain into thinking there is more serotonin in their body than there actually is. These substances are great if they need to be used on a short-term basis to get people through crisis situations. But if the underlying situations are not addressed, coming off of these substances can be challenging. And not only does one still have the underlying discrepancies, blockages, distortions, stresses and tensions that they had before but now they have the additional ones that accumulated because their consciousness was not been allowed to engage any of what's been going on during the course of the pharmaceutical consumption. In the short term it can be necessary and critical but these drugs were simply not designed to be effective long-term stress remedies. And in many cases not only are these drugs ineffective but they can create a number of long-term difficulties.
Tips: Take a Few Deep Breathes
Most of us who spent some time getting into mischief as kids remember being told, “Stop! Take 10 breaths! Alright, now tell me what happened.” For many adults who want to practice yoga or meditate the conversation is usually similar. “Close your eyes, sit up straight and let the stress of the day melt away. Now everyone take few deep breaths and notice your mind slow down.”
No matter our age, a bit of extra oxygen, the conscious use of the diaphragm and all of the other muscles of respiration allows us to stabilize our nervous system and gain a better handle on our body. Breathing is an automatic process that can be made conscious. When this happens, all of the extras that are tied into breathing become conscious as well (such as tight muscles, tension in our jaw or abdomen, emotions of anger, etc.)
If we take a few deep breaths and stabilize our nervous system right before we take a Siddatech remedy, we have a much better chance of feeling the delicate shifts of our nervous system that occur each time we take a few sprays. The shifts will happen whether or not we are aware of them happening, just as music affects us regardless of whether or not we know we are listening to a 4/4 beat. But if we do pay attention, we can gain the knack of feeling when our nervous system is balanced and when it is less than balanced. This skill can be very useful for navigating through a modern world filled with stresses of all shapes and sizes.
No matter our age, a bit of extra oxygen, the conscious use of the diaphragm and all of the other muscles of respiration allows us to stabilize our nervous system and gain a better handle on our body. Breathing is an automatic process that can be made conscious. When this happens, all of the extras that are tied into breathing become conscious as well (such as tight muscles, tension in our jaw or abdomen, emotions of anger, etc.)
If we take a few deep breaths and stabilize our nervous system right before we take a Siddatech remedy, we have a much better chance of feeling the delicate shifts of our nervous system that occur each time we take a few sprays. The shifts will happen whether or not we are aware of them happening, just as music affects us regardless of whether or not we know we are listening to a 4/4 beat. But if we do pay attention, we can gain the knack of feeling when our nervous system is balanced and when it is less than balanced. This skill can be very useful for navigating through a modern world filled with stresses of all shapes and sizes.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Three Ways to Enhance and Complement Your Sidda Detox Program
1. Drink lots of green juice. Why? Because most of the metabolites and neuropeptides (molecules of emotion) are acidic in nature and will place a strain on the alkaline mineral reserves of the body. Green juice (celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, kale, lettuce, broccoli) contains alkaline minerals in abundance and helps to rebuild the body's reserves gently, swiftly, smoothly and refreshingly (don't overdo the dark green stuff, stick with a majority of cucumber and celery which aren't too bitter.)
2. Move your body. What's the best form of exercise? The one you enjoy doing. Walk, dance, swim, lift weights, bounce on a trampoline, stretch, yoga or tai chi, whatever it takes. Moving your body increases circulation and improves the health of the internal organs especially the liver and kidneys, the main organs of detoxification.
3. Give yourself enough time to sleep. When you lift weights and strain your muscles, the nervous system registers a stimulus greater than its capacity to handle. Your body does not adapt and develop stronger muscles until you go home and sleep. Sleep time is repair and rebuild time. Getting enough quality sleep gives your body the time and space it needs to adjust to the demands of accelerated detoxification.
2. Move your body. What's the best form of exercise? The one you enjoy doing. Walk, dance, swim, lift weights, bounce on a trampoline, stretch, yoga or tai chi, whatever it takes. Moving your body increases circulation and improves the health of the internal organs especially the liver and kidneys, the main organs of detoxification.
3. Give yourself enough time to sleep. When you lift weights and strain your muscles, the nervous system registers a stimulus greater than its capacity to handle. Your body does not adapt and develop stronger muscles until you go home and sleep. Sleep time is repair and rebuild time. Getting enough quality sleep gives your body the time and space it needs to adjust to the demands of accelerated detoxification.
Detoxification and Healing Reactions
These two concepts have become commonplace in the natural foods and healing marketplace. But he latest and greatest concepts are often nothing more than poorly defined buzzwords for many consumers. In this article we'll try for a brief definition and description of healing reactions and detoxification.
The body is always engaged in a dynamic process of maintaining homeostasis, or internal equilibrium. Countless mechanisms and feedback loops help the body regulate its balance regarding pH, electrolyte levels, CO2 levels, and hormone levels to name just a few of the axes that need to be adjusted. This balancing is largely unnoticed and only comes to our attention when the movement towards homeostasis is necessarily dramatic. A few examples of this are the scabbing and scarring that ensue when the skin is cut and vomiting when bad seafood is consumed.
Detoxification is simply the aspect of maintaining health and balance that has to do with ridding the body of undesirable material. It is a process that is happening in all of us all the time. What is not commonly understood, however, is that this detoxification happens with physical toxins, it happens with mental and emotional ones as well. This detoxification of unresolved mental and emotional data is the primary focus of Siddatech remedies.
What most folks refer to as detoxification is an acceleration of this natural process. When most of us say, "healing reaction or healing crisis" we are referring to a movement towards balance that in and of itself causes discomfort. Throwing up poisonous food is certainly an uncomfortable process for most people but it is a necessary process in order for us to be healthy.
Nowadays, many people are trying out various kinds of cleanses, healing modalities and supplements to rid their body of toxins. Without endorsing any specific approaches, we can whole-heartedly say that this is a really good idea. Our air, water and food supply have been touched by world-wide industrialization and virtually everyone's body burden of toxins exceeds our ability to handle exposure.
In the context of the Siddatech line of flower essences, healing reactions occur primarily on the level that the remedies act upon. In other words, as the stress that the Siddatech products release moves up and out of the body, the person's ability to process that stress may be exceeded and they may experience the release as changes in energy level or mood.
Sidda Detox is unique among the Siddatech line because of its focus on broad-spectrum detoxification. While all Siddatech remedies can indirectly cause detoxification as a result of the upgrade of specific bodily systems, Detox is meant to cause this throughout the entire body. As a result of this, it is quite common for people to experience "healing reactions" with the Detox remedy. Such experiences include: strange dreams, waking up lethargic or conversely, very energized, foul smelling stool or urine. We even had one fellow report that his significant other thought he had a "metallic" scent upon waking up after a night of detox.
These healing or cleansing reactions are one important reason Detox is best taken only before bed and only three nights per week. If taken before bed, the body has a chance to relax deeply and the detoxification process can unfold more smoothly. If taken during the waking hours, there is a tendency to fight the process and make things more difficult.
The body is always engaged in a dynamic process of maintaining homeostasis, or internal equilibrium. Countless mechanisms and feedback loops help the body regulate its balance regarding pH, electrolyte levels, CO2 levels, and hormone levels to name just a few of the axes that need to be adjusted. This balancing is largely unnoticed and only comes to our attention when the movement towards homeostasis is necessarily dramatic. A few examples of this are the scabbing and scarring that ensue when the skin is cut and vomiting when bad seafood is consumed.
Detoxification is simply the aspect of maintaining health and balance that has to do with ridding the body of undesirable material. It is a process that is happening in all of us all the time. What is not commonly understood, however, is that this detoxification happens with physical toxins, it happens with mental and emotional ones as well. This detoxification of unresolved mental and emotional data is the primary focus of Siddatech remedies.
What most folks refer to as detoxification is an acceleration of this natural process. When most of us say, "healing reaction or healing crisis" we are referring to a movement towards balance that in and of itself causes discomfort. Throwing up poisonous food is certainly an uncomfortable process for most people but it is a necessary process in order for us to be healthy.
Nowadays, many people are trying out various kinds of cleanses, healing modalities and supplements to rid their body of toxins. Without endorsing any specific approaches, we can whole-heartedly say that this is a really good idea. Our air, water and food supply have been touched by world-wide industrialization and virtually everyone's body burden of toxins exceeds our ability to handle exposure.
In the context of the Siddatech line of flower essences, healing reactions occur primarily on the level that the remedies act upon. In other words, as the stress that the Siddatech products release moves up and out of the body, the person's ability to process that stress may be exceeded and they may experience the release as changes in energy level or mood.
Sidda Detox is unique among the Siddatech line because of its focus on broad-spectrum detoxification. While all Siddatech remedies can indirectly cause detoxification as a result of the upgrade of specific bodily systems, Detox is meant to cause this throughout the entire body. As a result of this, it is quite common for people to experience "healing reactions" with the Detox remedy. Such experiences include: strange dreams, waking up lethargic or conversely, very energized, foul smelling stool or urine. We even had one fellow report that his significant other thought he had a "metallic" scent upon waking up after a night of detox.
These healing or cleansing reactions are one important reason Detox is best taken only before bed and only three nights per week. If taken before bed, the body has a chance to relax deeply and the detoxification process can unfold more smoothly. If taken during the waking hours, there is a tendency to fight the process and make things more difficult.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tip of the Month: March
More is not always better. Take 2 days off per week. We recommend that our products only be used 5 days per week (3 nights for Sidda Detox.) Siddatech remedies are highly complex suggestions to the nervous system; suggestions that help the body and mind release different aggregations of stress.
Like an athlete in training, periods of stimulation alternating with periods of rest yield the best long term results. Or, if the athlete analogy doesn't really work for you... nobody likes a nag. Honey, take out the trash (maybe he does it, maybe he doesn't.) Honey, please will you take out the trash (maybe he does, maybe he's deaf.) Hey! You need to take the trash out! (the trash may very well be taken out, but there's probably going to be some gritting of the teeth as it goes.)
So, don't be overly aggressive with yourself. Give your body the time and space it needs to make the changes you are asking it to make. Neither you nor Rome were built in a day... a night of passion maybe, but not a day. These remedies are fine tools, not sledgehammers. When used appropriately, flower essences can nudge, guide and lead the mind and body into making beneficial changes that feel natural and easy.
Like an athlete in training, periods of stimulation alternating with periods of rest yield the best long term results. Or, if the athlete analogy doesn't really work for you... nobody likes a nag. Honey, take out the trash (maybe he does it, maybe he doesn't.) Honey, please will you take out the trash (maybe he does, maybe he's deaf.) Hey! You need to take the trash out! (the trash may very well be taken out, but there's probably going to be some gritting of the teeth as it goes.)
So, don't be overly aggressive with yourself. Give your body the time and space it needs to make the changes you are asking it to make. Neither you nor Rome were built in a day... a night of passion maybe, but not a day. These remedies are fine tools, not sledgehammers. When used appropriately, flower essences can nudge, guide and lead the mind and body into making beneficial changes that feel natural and easy.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
How Does Siddatech Fit into Your Overall Lifestyle?
If you want to be healthy there's no shortage of advice out there. There are a lot of different people who have lots and lots of approaches to health. There are nutritionists who will tell you that diet is everything. There are fitness folks who will tell you that exercise alone can bring you good health. There are experts of all sorts who will tell you that in their expert opinion, their way is the only way. We will do our best to spare you of any such advice.
We believe that a fresh diet, clean air and water, a regular movement routine, good relationships, a peaceful environment and a calm mind are all major contributing factors to health, happiness and well-being. Siddatech remedies are here to help you calm your mind. They won't make up for a fast-food, couch-potato, flourescent-cubicle, isolated lifestyle... but they can be used when you are stuck in that place. There aren't many situations in life that are not improved by more clarity, equanimity and balance. There are countless ways of calming the mind such as: meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi, dance, music, art, gardening, walking and more. When you find ways of calming the mind and settling your nerves that work for you, stick with it. For some people it can take a lot of practice before these methods consistently yield a calm mind.
Siddatech flower remedies are another method for calming the mind and restoring balance to the nervous system and then the body. The are a few differences between Siddatech and some of the other methods mentioned. Siddatech doesn't require more than a 10 second time commitment per day. The flower remedies can be used in conjunction with any of the other methods (as opposed to trying to garden and do yoga at the same time.) Finally, most Siddatech remedies are tailored to dealing with specific kinds of stress. Going for a walk may help with your overall stresses but it might take a whole lot of walking before it finally gets to the issues that are causing specific bodily distress. So give Siddatech a try and you might find that a calmer mind leads to a desire for more movement, better food and more harmonious relationships.
We believe that a fresh diet, clean air and water, a regular movement routine, good relationships, a peaceful environment and a calm mind are all major contributing factors to health, happiness and well-being. Siddatech remedies are here to help you calm your mind. They won't make up for a fast-food, couch-potato, flourescent-cubicle, isolated lifestyle... but they can be used when you are stuck in that place. There aren't many situations in life that are not improved by more clarity, equanimity and balance. There are countless ways of calming the mind such as: meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi, dance, music, art, gardening, walking and more. When you find ways of calming the mind and settling your nerves that work for you, stick with it. For some people it can take a lot of practice before these methods consistently yield a calm mind.
Siddatech flower remedies are another method for calming the mind and restoring balance to the nervous system and then the body. The are a few differences between Siddatech and some of the other methods mentioned. Siddatech doesn't require more than a 10 second time commitment per day. The flower remedies can be used in conjunction with any of the other methods (as opposed to trying to garden and do yoga at the same time.) Finally, most Siddatech remedies are tailored to dealing with specific kinds of stress. Going for a walk may help with your overall stresses but it might take a whole lot of walking before it finally gets to the issues that are causing specific bodily distress. So give Siddatech a try and you might find that a calmer mind leads to a desire for more movement, better food and more harmonious relationships.
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